A Blog Featuring Thoughts, Verse and Stories by Neuse River Writers

I Get by With a Little Help from My Friends
When I moved to Garner, NC a little more than a year ago, I missed my friends from the Suncoast Writer’s Guild in Southwest Florida. Around the same time, the momentum of a wonderful three-person critique group I wrote about here had begun to wane.

God’s Beautiful World
I enjoy traveling and seeing the wonders of the beautiful world God created, and I love writing about it. Some of my best memories are of trips with my family, many of them taken with my husband before cancer took him from us in 2017. Now I travel with my children and …

Honesty – Honestly?
Honesty is an interesting concept, not easily defined nor a definite black and white thing.
If you are planning a surprise party for your sister and she asks if there is something going on because you're acting weird. You lie and tell her no, nothing going on, you’re just tired. Is that a lie? You probably are tired.

Selma NC is Still in the Strongest Town Contest
My two hats have converged. Under one hat, I am a writer; under the other, I am a community activist. They cross paths when I activate writers and write for community. My writing helped get my community into the international 2024 Strongest Town Contest.

Nature’s Nook
Welcome to Nature’s Nook where I’ll be briefly sharing seasonal gardening tips, prompts, poems, quotes, and stories, and how to incorporate them into your writing even if you are not an avid gardener. Gardening gives us the unique opportunity to observe the wondrous lifecycle of plants. From a tiny seed full of promise to a fragile seedling to its glorious blooms, and generations of new seeds as the circle of life continues.