Johnston County Creates: 50 Years of Creativity (Johnston County Arts Council, June 2023)
Johnston County Literary and Historical Journal (Independently published – Volume 2, January 2024; Volume 1, December 2021)
County Lines: A Literary Journal (Independently published – Volume 11, November 2023; Volume 10, October 2022; Volume 9, October 2021; Volume 8, November 2020)
Susan Perry Benson, Angier, NC: My Little Blue Branch: A Texas Memoir (Benson Tropical Press, March 2023)
Teresa McLamb Blackmon, Benson, NC: Cast of Characters (Finishing Line Press, June 2023); Daddy Said (Finishing Line Press, August 2020)
Cindy Brookshire, Pine Level, NC: A Heart for Selma: 12 Stories of Activate Selma (Independently published, July 2021); Little Towns (Independently published, August 2021)
Charles M Clemmons, Clayton, NC: Aila’s Journal: A Tale of Southern Reconstruction (Wiltonwood Productions LLC, July 2023)
Eileen Vorbach Collins, Raleigh, NC: Love in the Archives: A Patchwork of True Stories about Suicide Loss (Apprentice House Press, November 2023)
Treisha Parker Combo, Smithfield, NC: Ain’t No Shame: Embrace the Past, Accept the Present, and Move on to the Future (Open Door Publishing, November 2023)
Barbara Crowley, Benson, NC: Liberty’s Scrapbook: An Autobiography by the Coolest Polydactyl Cat Ever! (Independently Published, January 2022)
Carol Dougherty, Smithfield NC: Smiling at Grief (Independently published, June 2024)
Hope Toler Dougherty, Smithfield, NC: Forever Free (January 2024) and Forever Home (August 2022), A Hatteras Surprise (July 2022) and Forever Music (July 2020), all four books published by Scrivenings Press LLC. https://hopetolerdougherty.com/
Cindy Draughon, Clayton, NC: The Little Girl Who Talks to Trees (Riveting Dreams Publishing, November 2023)
Curtis M. Harvey Jr., Clayton, NC: The Perfect Pair: A StayCoppinKicks Story (World of Wonders Publishing, March 2024); 10 Rules for Financial Success (Independently published, July 2023); Saxophone Essentials & Music Theory (Independently published, May 2023); https://curtismharveyjr.com/books/
Marvis Henderson-Daye, Durham, NC: Every Storm Runs Out of Rain (2020)
Mindi Miller Jentes, Selma NC: Pain to Peace: Setting the Songbird Free (Black Eyed Susan Media, February 2024)
Julie Johnson, Pine Level, NC: Bessie (Independently published, February 2024)
Dot La Motta, Garner, NC: The Italian Charmer (Independently published, November 2023); Oliver the Octopus and the Spooky Ghost (Independently published, August 2021); The Adventures of Sir Crumsby Cricket (Independently published, July 2021) Dot’s Amazon Page
Karen Lauritzen, Clayton, NC: Just the Right Amount of Wrong (Independently published, November 2023)
Tracy McKinley, Smithfield, NC: Orville Finds Friendship (Independently published, 2023), available at Woodard Drug Store, Princeton, NC
Kimothy Monroe, Raeford, NC: Monster Eyes (Page Publishing, October 2019)
Jim Munroe, Angier, NC: The Alligator’s Red Shoes (Parson’s Porch, February 2024), The Sneezing Toucan (Parson’s Porch, April 2021) Jim’s Amazon Page
Gary Ridout, Smithfield, NC: James J. Bug (Independently published, February 2023), Breathing Dark and Hairy (Independently Published, May 2020) Gary’s Amazon Page
Char Vinar, Clayton, NC: Ignis, The Mighty Dragon (Independently published, May 2024) copies available by the author.
Sherwood Owl Williford, Goldsboro, NC: Shining Stars from a Segregated South (BookBaby, May 2024); Two to the Grave, Three to the Gallows (BookBaby, June 2022) Sherwood’s Amazon Page
Evelyn Wool, Pine Level, NC: Eve’s Big Day on the Farm: Stories from the Wool Family Farm (Independently published, March 2022)