Selma NC is Still in the Strongest Town Contest
By: Cindy Brookshire
Author, A Heart for Selma and Little Towns
My two hats have converged. Under one hat, I am a writer; under the other, I am a community activist. They cross paths when I activate writers and write for community. My writing helped get my community into the international 2024 Strongest Town Contest.
It’s almost April and Selma, NC is still competing for Strongest Town!
We’ve made it to the Final Four round (voting is April 1 through April 4 at 1 pm EST). A Strong Towns writer is interviewing us and will be writing an essay about Selma that will be posted in the April 1 round.
We’re in a matchup with Norfolk, NE. The other matchup is Edmonton, Alberta v. Maumee, OH.
One town wins each match-up based on popular votes on the essay.
Two towns advance to the Championship.
In the Championship round (Voting is April 8 through April 11 at 1 pm EST), the final two towns compete in a live championship webinar. Everyone gets to vote for the strongest town.
The result: One winning town will be announced in April. Two representatives from the winning town are flown to the 2024 Strong Towns National Gathering in Cincinnati (May 14-15) to be presented their award certificate. Strong Towns’ video creator will also visit the winning town later in 2024 to make a documentary short film about the community.
What do previous contest winners have in common? They put people first.
Please consider voting for Selma NC at