God’s Beautiful World

Me, my daughter Janet, son-in-law Tony, and our dog Pippin

God’s Beautiful World

By Carolyn Barnes Clark

I enjoy traveling and seeing the wonders of the beautiful world God created, and I love writing about it. Some of my best memories are of trips with my family, many of them taken with my husband before cancer took him from us in 2017. Now I travel with my children and grandchildren and love hiking with my daughter Janet, son-in-law Tony, and our dog Pippin. The picture I sent Qarol was taken by another hiker at a waterfall in South Mountain State Park, NC. In case you can’t tell, I’m the short one in the flowered shirt.

My family and I have traveled a lot together, going to the beach, the mountains, Disney World, and even taking a cruise to Alaska. But some of the most beautiful things are found in my own backyard, like the flowers that I enjoy sharing with others.

I love growing flowers and arranging flowers. Since 2004, I have provided real and artificial flower arrangements to the two chiropractic offices of Dr. Nick Ferez, a family friend. The patients at his offices know me as the flower lady and give me many thanks and compliments. But I give thanks to God for creating such a beautiful variety of flowers for us to enjoy. Here are two poems I have written about God’s beautiful world. 


When I feel tired, sick and worn,

The beach is where I want to be,

to sit on the shore, breathe in the fresh salt air

to hear the ocean’s mighty roar.

The vastness, the power, the beauty 

bring God close.

I hear His voice in the waves – 

“I am near – do not fear.”

I feel His love in the wind’s caress

“Be still my child; lean on me.”

The sea reveals His glorious provision,

so wonderfully made to refresh us.

The awesome power, the tremendous span of the ocean

mirror God’s awesome power and His tremendous love for us. 

Nourishment for the Soul

Flowers are just plants, like weeds, 

but, oh, the varied, vibrant colors,

 the lovely luscious fragrances, 

the way they catch the eye

 with their delicate or bold beauty. 

Some are tiny and shy, like the violet. 

Others are spiky and bold, like the gladiolus. 

Food for the soul, 

they brighten bleak moments, 

bring beauty to dark corners. 

Fragrant tokens of friendship and love, 

they can lift the spirits

 like shining beacons of hope.

 Tending God’s delicate blooms,

 planting, pruning, and nurturing them, 

brings joy to my heart, peace to my soul. 

Sharing this bountiful beauty with others 

is my way of sharing God’s boundless love.

Carolyn Barnes Clark lives in Johnston County, North Carolina and enjoys spending time with her three children and seven grandchildren. They enjoy traveling together, exploring God’s beautiful world. Carolyn loves serving the Lord at Mount Moriah Church in Raleigh, where she teaches an adult Sunday School class and is the director of the Care Team, ministering to those in her church and community who are hurting, grieving, or caring for sick loved ones. She has written poems, skits and articles for her church and is currently working on her first book about being a widow: Welcome to Vince’s Café.


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