Eileen Vorbach Collins, Author 

Eileen Vorbach Collins is a Baltimore native. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Nursing and Loyola University. Eileen's essays about the grief of losing a child to suicide have recieved the Diana Woods Memorial Award for Creative nonfiction, the Gabriele Rico Challenge Award, a Glenna Luschei Prairie Schooner Award, and was a finalist for the Michael Steinberg Memorial Essay Award. Her work has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Eileen's essay collection, Love in the Archives, origianlly titled Hold on Till the Sun Goes Down, received a Florida Writers Association Gold Royal Palm Award and was voted first runner up best book 2022.

After evacuating their home in Florida in the wake of hurricane Ian, Eileen and her husband moved to Garner, North Carolina with Sugar, their geriatric Labrador retriever.